As I begin the next book on my list, 'A Grief Observed' by C.S Lewis I must confess that this blog has nothing to do with grief at all. Rather, it is an excerpt on gratitude.
Douglas Gresham is the step-son of the late C.S. Lewis, the child of Lewis' wife who he grieves over in the book and the one who wrote the introduction to the particular edition I am reading. In his introduction he tells the story of the budding romance between Lewis and his wife Joy Davidman. What I came to find out through Gresham's writing is how much the two, Lewis and Davidman, had in common. They were both intellectuals, both had photographic memories, both were prolific writers and were atheists before their conversions. Their relationship was based on such a commonality of things that eventually led them to a loving and quite fulfilling marriage. Although Lewis and Davidman began as friends and with a civil marriage union, their relationship flourished through the years and they grew to love one another deeply leading to the writing of this work after Davidman passed away from a long battle with cancer.
I could not help but think about my own marriage as I was reading about the way the two got along so well and had so many common interests that they loved to be in each others' presence. They were truly best friends, what some might say are 'soul mates'.
There are emotions, thoughts, ideas in my mind and heart that only my wife gets. There are common interests that the two of us have that I think no one else in the world can understand or appreciate. I can go to my wife and communicate with her about things that I experience and she gets it like no one else does. And I am sure those of you who are married can echo the same sentiments regarding your spouses.
Our lives have been brought together by a God who loves us and calls us to share that love through the love we express to one another in our marriages. Our marriages are to reflect the love Christ has for His bride. As you take time to read this feeble attempt at expressing my thoughts about my own marriage let us take time to bow before the Lord in thankfulness for our spouses. Let us be grateful in our hearts to the Lord who has brought a friend, companion, lover and soul-mate to so many of us. And let us never take them for granted. None of us are promised tomorrow.... for ourselves or for the ones we love...
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