How often in the midst of conflict, especially when I 'feel' I am the one attacked have I lashed out in anger. Now, obviously it was to make the truth known or perhaps to defend my case and cause or to prove my rightness... And yet, my lashings out to those acting and speaking against me are from the selfishness and insecurities of my own heart. This selfishness and insecurity manifests itself at making others look bad to make myself look better. I am certainly along way from the way of Jesus in dealing with my 'enemies'...

Lewis, in
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe paints the scene of Aslan's unjust death better than almost anyone. As Susan and Lucy look on in secret at what the witch and her cohorts are doing to Aslan they watched with anticipation at the ferocious response Aslan would make at any minute. They knew with one swipe of his paw or one bite of his jaw he could have sent the enemy fleeing in fright. And yet Susan and Lucy notice something... 'they held their breaths waiting for Aslan's roar and his spring upon his enemies.
But it never came.' How in the world could we follow in the way of Aslan... impossible.
For those not making the connection, Aslan is a certain and obvious Christ figure. Isaiah the prophet told us He would respond like this... 'He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.' How can the King of kings respond to such unjust cruelty from his inferior enemies as a Suffering Servant? He knew full well with one thought he could have destroyed his enemy in a moment. Why did He not?
Grace... He suffered graciously so that we could experience His saving grace.

Oh, and by the way, He does defeat His enemy... just not in the way he (or she) would have thought. For Aslan is not laying on the stone table nor is Jesus in the grave...
Wonder at Jesus' sacrificial love as servant and triumphant rise as King!
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